Hey guys, recently got this and tested it on my 10 year-old and it's pretty good, short and sweet and with the largest chapter being on bitcoin at the end. it has a quiz at the end too which i always think is a good idea.
I think the language is ok, not too complex, and about right for the attention span of a ten year old. sometimes we will quickly read over a little chunk and I'll randomly ask my kid if she remembers the difference between commodity money or fiat etc.
https://www.amazon.com/Short-History-Money-Kids-Bitcoin/dp/B0DJHVY1C2/ref=monarch_sidesheet_title (i use the amazon US link by default, but it's also in UK, Germany etc)
next i will try out some of the various bitcoin for kids books and see if they're any good, there's a few that stand out and I'm keen to see if they're any good. i will report back with a little review here