"Chancellor on Brink of Third Bailout for Banks"?
Its pretty wild how resilient fiat currency is and the economy of the west tbh
Either this is sarcasm
Or... until it isn't.
This is why I think stock markets in America are not tanking as bad as you would expect. They are calling the Fed's bluff. Inflation is ingrained, it is unstoppable, and it will get worse. The Fed will come around to printing again, sooner or later.
Printing makes inflation worse. Not printing makes the recession worse. Recessions sometimes make inflation worse. It's not looking good for fiat. Get bitcoin.
Simultaneous QE and interest increases...
They really have no shame anymore...
Doing it in plain sight. Post-brexit Britain will be the first major first world Country/System with maainstream flight to Bitcoin. They are much more fucked than Euro or Dollar are ever at the risk of.