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You don’t know what busman’s holiday refers to?
I didn’t know this term either, until I came across two different authors using it in their books. One of them is Lisa Belkin:
I’m not 100% sure who the second author is. If my memory serves me right, I first encountered this charming phrase in Gretchen Rubin’s book. This means that it caught my attention the first time, but the forgetting curve threw a smoke bomb on my working memory, so I promptly forgot the meaning. But now that I have come across this again, I don’t think I will forget it in a hurry.
Anyway, it refers to a holiday in which one does exactly the things he would do for work. This must be what people mean when they say that their passion is an obsession. It permeates all areas of their lives.
Given that I didn’t know the meaning of busman’s holiday until recently, suffice it to say that my holidays are compartmentalised separately from my professional life. I would be darned if I research how to teach dyslexics better during my holidays.
What about you? Is busman’s holiday something that you embrace, much like newly hatched turtles dashing to the sea?
Honestly, I had never heard of this before, but doing a little internal reflection and trying to self-analyze myself, I can easily notice that I have fallen into the state of "busman's holiday's" on some occasions in my life. Maybe I think that it is simply the routine or that the body and mind somehow have a hard time getting out of the synchronization of the work routine when it is time to rest or take a vacation.
Sensei is always glad to enlighten and entertain haha
You must rather like what you do for a living. 😏 Is it easy for you to engage in work-related stuff when you are on holiday mode?