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WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF MY LIFE ACCORDING TO GOD? – Why did God create us and what is the meaning of our existence?

I want to share with you what I believe to be a profound and scriptural answer about the purpose of our life according to God. In many passages of the Bible, we see that God created human beings with a special and eternal purpose, which is revealed mainly in three aspects: to glorify God, to relate to Him and to serve others. I will explain each of these points in more detail.
1. We were created to glorify God
In the book of Isaiah 43:7, God says: “Everyone who is called by my name, I created him for my glory, I formed him and made him.” This shows us that we were created to reflect the greatness and goodness of God. He gave us talents, gifts and a creative nature that, when used with love and humility, show the world His character. Glorifying God means recognizing His worth, living in obedience to His teachings, and bearing witness to His love through our actions.
2. We were created to have a relationship with God
God created us in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:27) and placed within us a deep desire to connect with Him. In Eden, before the fall, Adam and Eve lived in direct communion with God, which gives us an image of how He desires this relationship. Jesus, by reconciling us with the Father, opens up the possibility of this relationship to us again. In John 15:15, Jesus says, “No longer do I call you servants... Instead, I have called you friends.” The meaning of our existence is to find this intimacy with the Creator, to seek to know Him, and to walk alongside Him.
3. We were called to serve others
Another central aspect of our purpose is love for others, which Jesus summarized as the second greatest commandment, after loving God (Matthew 22:39). God calls us to live a life of service, because by serving others, we are living as Jesus lived. This means putting our gifts and talents at the service of the well-being and joy of others, and being a blessing to the world around us.
Why did God create us?
The creation of human beings is an act of love. God is complete in Himself, but He chose to create beings in His image to share His goodness, love, and truth. In 1 John 4:16, we read that “God is love,” and love, by its very nature, desires to be shared. So God created us so that we could share in that love and experience the joy of a relationship with Him and with one another.
What is the meaning of our existence?
Our lives are an invitation to experience the beauty and fullness of God’s love and, through our relationships with Him and with others, make a difference in the world. This does not mean that we are free from problems, but that we find hope, purpose, and comfort in knowing that we are part of something much greater.
4. Live in a way that reflects the character of Christ
In Romans 8:29, the Bible teaches us that God predestined us to be conformed to the image of His Son. This means that an important part of our purpose is to become more like Jesus. When we strive to imitate the character of Christ—loving generously, forgiving freely, and serving humbly—we fulfill a profound purpose. This transformation process, called sanctification, is a journey in which the Holy Spirit works within us, shaping our character so that we reflect Christ in our actions, attitudes, and thoughts.
5. Participate in the work of reconciliation
Another essential aspect of God’s purpose for our lives is the mission of reconciliation, as described in 2 Corinthians 5:18-20. Through Christ, God has reconciled us to Himself and given us the ministry of reconciliation, calling us to share the message of His love and forgiveness with the world. As ambassadors for Christ, our purpose is to bring hope to those who do not yet know Him, helping them find peace and meaning in their lives. This mission calls us to live intentionally, not just for ourselves, but to impact the lives of others.
6. Appreciate God’s Creation and Cultivate Gratitude
The Bible speaks of God’s love for His creation and how it reveals His power and beauty (Psalm 19:1). Part of our purpose for existence is to develop a heart of gratitude and learn to appreciate the world around us, from the people to the nature to the experiences we have. When we cultivate gratitude, we live closer to God and see life with a renewed perspective. Gratitude connects us to God’s purpose, as we recognize that everything we have and are is a gift from Him.
7. Live with eternity in mind
Ultimately, God created us for an eternal purpose, and this gives our lives a dimension that goes beyond the here and now. In Colossians 3:2, Paul instructs us to keep our eyes on things above, reminding us that our true home is in the presence of God, beyond this life. This eternal perspective helps us live with a deeper purpose, understanding that the choices we make today have an impact that extends into eternity.
When we live with eternity in mind, we find motivation to face life’s challenges, knowing that there is a hope and a reward that God has in store for us. Our existence here on earth is fleeting, but it is a precious time where we have the opportunity to grow, learn, love, and prepare for an eternity with Him.
Conclusion: Living God’s Purpose Daily
In summary, our God-given purpose in life involves an ongoing journey of knowledge and transformation, in which we relate to Him, serve others, and become more like Christ. It is a life that calls us beyond our individual desires to a much greater love and purpose. Even in times of pain or uncertainty, we can trust that God has a plan for each of us, and that living that plan brings true peace, purpose, and joy.
And Abraham answered and said, “Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, I, who am but dust and ashes.
Genesis 18:27
or It s THE PURPOSE OF MY LIFE ACCORDING TO ME (as one as evolution?
Pro 16:4 The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.
Shared using AndBible: Bible Study. (https://andbible.github.io)
This is beautiful. We each have a unique gift to bring to this world even if it can be hard to remember we’re part of a divine plan