Taro enables centralized mints to issue tokens using taproot outputs.
You can have a taro asset for stables, stonks, gift cards, rewards points, shitcoins, and NFTs.
Soon, you'll be able to send taro assets over Lightning. The sending and receiving node must support the token being sent, however, in-between nodes just route Bitcoin. Only the endpoints of the route observe the token's price volatility against BTC. In this way, Bitcoin is the value layer for arbitrary asset transfers.
I'm struggling to wrap my head around the impact of this.
Let's say Taro gets adopted and proceeds down the golden path. What happens then? Do we see ICOs of new assets on Taro, for example?
It would be cool if current addresses using Taproot could be airdropped something for being an early adopter.
lmao ngmi
not as straight forward. to receive an asset, the recipient must create an address first specific to the requested asset. the asset is then sent to a new taproot output, not an existing one