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100 sats \ 5 replies \ @Undisciplined 31 Oct 2024 \ parent \ on: Non-Criminal Discounts- LOL lol
So Canadian
I have a friend who has a child with down syndrome and I did some work with down syndrome kids in my youth so I just don't like the term and try not to use it even though it is prevalent in the Bitcoin community . I understand it is not being used in the context to demean mentally challenged people but instead to highlight stupidity.
It's just a word. I know there is no malicious intent. I was merely pointing out that the point was so good that even though I don't like the word I had to offer an agreement zap.
Hah. Fair enough.
I have given up many words but that one I'm particularly too fond of to let go.
Not to get into a rant about language here, but to me the word evolved and does now evoke any image of legitimate medical challenges to me. But I know it can for people and I know the history of the word.
But that's the funny thing about language. We use the term moron freely, another word whose meaning has evolved. The R word isn't quite there and still has some sting.
It's funny because... it's not the first time I had to defend my use of the word. And I don't use it often.
But one point I like to make is that if I say the word and it immediately conjures up the image of someone with a legitimate disability in your mind, then maybe it's not my problem. I'm not attacking you and understand your point of view also, but I had to bring this up :P
When I hear or use the word, I never have disabled or challenged people in my mind, I have idiotic politicians and dumbass people.
On the flip side, if I'm thinking about disabled or challenged people, whom I also have in my surrounding as well, that word never comes to mind.
I swear there's a comedy bit about this somewhere, where someone says retard and another goes "hey hey woah, watch your words, my brother has X disability" and the other guy goes like "hey woah woah, that's offensive that you think of him when I say retard. Your brother is not retarded, he's a smart guy with X condition. Not in the same universe"
Anyway. I said I wouldn't rant.
Language cam be interesting.
TL;DR I get where you're coming from, but we all have our hills to die on and I'm not ready to part with such a useful word yet, especially in this clown world we live in
It's all love tho <3
What I believe you're getting at:

Yeah I could've put it more eloquently :P
Wrote quickly from a carwash waiting room
I understand the context and use of the word in that context. I think it was fitting in this case.