"Can we Lay down our weapons and the tired intellect rise above and...
Bring me Grace
I know you Can."
Anilah — Warrior
When engaging in any intellectual discussion, it is common for the average person to hide into multiple layers of worldview defense mechanisms https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/defense-mechanisms#common-defense-mechanisms
In any intellectual discussion, especially that of the war for self sovereignty, disarming these defense mechanisms is of the utmost importance in Bitcoiner messaging.
As a bit of a Bitcoin paladin myself, I understand the urge to...you know
Rip and tear until it is done
I think when people reflect on what the face of a warrior looks like, they might think of this:
However, as someone who was in the military, I can tell you I was trained much more.... You know, resting bitch face Unemotional Not bothered. Don't think, just execute.
I think this approach of merely stating what is true will remove these previously mentioned mental defenses mentioned earlier.
To my fellow Bitcoin maximalists, dear Paladins of Satoshi, I hope this insight will assist you in your crusades.
"Warriors move gracefully"
Good short read. Thank you!