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There's a mid wit in the comments saying we "need Internet on the Blockchain. It's urgent". He's probably 10 years ahead of most normies, and about 10 years away from figuring out there is only one use of Blockchain--which is Bitcoin.
At that point it'll take him another 5 years to understand what is needed is Nostr with Bitcoin/Lightning/ecash if a new decentralized censor resistant and verifiable Internet is going to be rebuilt.
So we are about 15 years away from mid wits catching up never mind your average normie.
I suppose it doesn't matter since mid wits and normies don't lead or build anything, they are simply there to consume. Still, do we need the mid wits to start to discover and consume their content over Nostr sooner rather than later? I wonder when we'll see the last mid wit "wE neeD BanaNaS oN thE blOCkchaiN" in the wild?
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If it will take the midwits 15 years to catch up, it might take the nitwits 25 years to catch up. Of course, the world is full of midwittery and nitwittery! There is just no way to escape it.
We could use something like OpenTimestamps to prove existence of information that is stored in a decentralized manner, so the intuition is not completely unfounded.