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I always hear and look for buying and selling Bitcoin without KYC. But I wonder WHERE DO THE MINERS SELL THEIR BITCOIN?
Where without KYC do they sell?
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Here are the recommended ways:
Direct P2P
This is below your post
So if I go to those places I will find miners selling their Bitcoin there?
Because I know where I can buy and sell my SATs without KYC, but the impression I have is that miners use CEXs
as mentioned before who are these miners you are talking about? Its not one single org that does one thing
Publicly traded miners? They sure dont use robosats.
They might also not dump on spot markets but do OTC or private sale.
Your home miner? Nobody knows.
Some of the Miners are companies, so they will trade on regulated exchange.
Buying or selling without KYC is for small trades. The most popular markets are: Hodlhodl, lnp2pbot, Bisq, Peach, Robosats and Mostro.
If you know a miner, you can buy from him.
When I made this post, I asked the question almost knowing the answer because I see that the miners who mine the most are companies, so I assumed that they are listed in places with KYC. Mining is the primary source of obtaining Bitcoin, so for some SATs to reach my hands I would have to
1 Buy: in places without KYC the Bitcoiners go and most of them buy, not sell. So I would have to buy marked BTC.
2 Charge for my work in BTC: with a circular economy that would be more likely. But unfortunately I live in a place where we are very far from that.
The thing is that most miners, to avoid absolutism, are corporations or governments with huge computing power, so most Bitcoin is sold in places that are not KYC-free. So to get Bitcoin we have to buy the little that we can without KYC and the rest work and get paid in Bitcoin.
Most of them do not sell the BTC mined. Especially the home miners, not the big companies.
Miners aren't a monolith but if they sell without KYC, they're generally using the same places everyone else does.
Some sell it at large exchanges