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Would it be more accurate to describe search/social media platforms as Marketing Mechanisms that solicit user-created search/content to generate revenues rather than as "media" platforms? The distinction is critical, for "free speech" is not a blanket carte blanche for marketing. If we remove search/social media from the category of "media" and create a new category Digital Marketing Mechanisms (DMM), then this new category necessarily requires a new regulatory structure and very different legal interpretations and protections of "free speech." The definition makes the world of difference. Which do you think social media is?
That’s a solid point.
Social media does act more like marketing mechanisms since they monetize user content.
A new category could change the way we think about free speech online.
It would, at least, change the viewpoint on social media. Could it be called addictive? This is not just a platform for speech! I don’t know what to call it, but it is different.