We are all familiar with the regularly recurring surveys by institutes and the media on comparisons of economic locations. For me, the only barometer that has any validity is the market. Over the years since the great debt crisis (that obviously is accelerating again), free-floating capital has voted with its feet and China and the Eurozone have really been outpaced. Do You remember the phrase: capital moves where it's treated best? That's exactly why we wittness these coordinated globalist's attacks - free competition would reveal the level of decay of the statism and control order we live in right now.
Imagine what will happen if the Americans remember their own founding values of soveteignty, non-interventionism and their tradition of free markets as the real medium of democracy and meritocracy? This country has the potential to attract both financial and investment capital from all over the world like a vacuum cleaner. To heal the wounds the radical green-left did to Europe we would need this pressure to overcome the infantile dependence of a parasitic bureaucraric state.
Just a reminder: the radical green socialist government in Germany is driving companies abroad with its paternalistic, statist disaster policy. Last year alone, 138 billion euros in direct investments were withdrawn from Germany on a net basis. Anyone who does not understand the sick ideology of these politicians will be in for a shock in the coming years.