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The bad part in all of this is that this will only cause pain to the people, but the elite will remain comfortable and unaccountable.
At most, it will reduce the power of Russia and end once and for all its imperial delirium. The USA is setting up the final bomb on Russia, for not all plugs had been disconnected. Once Russia has bleed long enough, a peace treaty will be signed, in which bans will remain in place in exchange of territory and no reparations. Then, once the Dutch disease had metastasized, the USA will unplug the remaining lifelines, and once all stock is spent, hell will break lose. The Russian elite will not move from its eights, so no reform will be made to reverse the collapse. This will lead to a massive russian diaspora, which will further accelerate the collapse. The elites will remain happy, for there's enough for them to keep their lifestyle and power. They might even be bought from the outside to keep them numb.
The final death of the red bear is inevitable. Irreversible. For good.
To all Russian brothers who just want to live their lives and prosper, please know you are welcome to Argentina. Just leave communism outside, embrace freedom, and you will be received with a warm hug. VLLC.
shit will get real when the liquid part of the sovereign wealth fund is drained, which will be coming soon
Would Trump becoming president be a game changer?
Yes Trump will hand victory to Putin. Sad day for Ukraine, and Europe. Putin and his Chinese boss, Xi will be very happy today.
Sad day for Europe why? You clearly dont spend much time here rigth?
You welcome the advance of war criminal Putins kleptocracy and autocracy toward Europe?
Not exactly.. problem is not every european buys that dumb distorted media-fueled narrative. Today is definitly not a sad day for many of my euro peers.
Only if they like fascism and war criminals on their border and have zero sympathy for Ukraine.
BTW the bulk of Ukraine which Trump will give Putin will solve Russias 'Dutch' problem and will only encourage more attacks on democracy from Russia and its patron, China.
Xi owns Putin and now they will have eastern Ukraine- the source of most highly refined neon gas essential to high grade chip manufacture.
Glad I don't live in Europe but do have great sympathy for all who are now there under the looming shadow of China and its proxies.
Good luck with your appeasement approach to tyrants.