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All the Blue States have a huge Military industrial Complex. They voted for their jobs and not yours. They voted for their business and not yours. They voted for their hegemony and not your ability to pursue life, liberty and property.
That's not the Story presented by the New York times but the interactive map definitely shows correlative data to the placement of military contractors, silicon valley and the financial engineers strongholds.
I live in Virginia and we have so many military contractors who have private schools for their children, private property for their families, private security for the houses and international business partners. The whole Marxist Ideology pushed on the citizens is all about keeping the machine alive and keeping the Fiat USD front running everything else.
Now that DJT is supposed to take the reign in 2025 the Military Industrial Complex will become leaner, cleaner and focused on the Sovereign Nation and 50 States. What's going to get culled is the peripheral complex of "Education" that is the third worst suck of wealth. The Educational, public and private, system has not prepared children of working and welfare families for anything other than service jobs and fodder for war and prisons.
I hope and pray that the promises of the Donald Trump team are kept and that it will be easier to run a business, get a job, save money and use technology like Bitcoin to make sovereign individuals, families and the nation of The United States prosper in the free market.
This will be good for the planet and her people. Other countries will seek the same and humans will be stronger. We still live in the Age of Quarrel and thus we are destined to fight but we also live in a place where God favors those who serve him and he will take 100 steps to everyone who takes 1.
Lololol, excellent dump on OP spewing nonsense.
That Johnson & Johnson for Kamala tells you everything you need to know.
The companies making the world's most advanced tech backed Trump
The companies making the world's most advanced tech backed Trump
šŸ§ Sir, who did Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Nvidia, and Apple fund?
Google figured out the frobenius whatever eigen vector of the web graph a couple decades ago and have been selling ads ever since
Microsoft and Oracle mostly makes enterprise SaaS, pushing pixels
Yeah, they do cool stuff... resting on the chip technology developed for missile targeting by the military. Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop
The fraction of advanced research done at the big tech companies is very small overall. Nvidia and Apple do more interesting things, but by the nature of being stuff that has to be built in large volumes, it's less bleeding edge than what happens in aerospace & defense.
I am illiterate. What is your point?
I live in Virginia
By brother-in-law lives in northern VA and works in DC. He is the epitome of the area. Intelligent, pleasant personality, vocal about being inclusive and increasing diversity.
Simultaneously he lives in a 90% white private community and spends his days lobbying congress on behalf of Northrup Grumman to sell missiles to kill brown skinned people around the world...
I honestly like him as a person, he is intelligent and nice to talk to....but we stay away from politics since I find his various hypocrisies hard to stomach.
You don't have to answer...
My guess is he lives in McLean, VA
I'm hailing from the Tidewater Area.
Norfolk Naval Base
Nice we are having a Bitcoin Meetup this Saturday:
(accurate within 4 miles...)
I know exactly this personality. They are great people one on one. That's why they are good at their jobs but they also have a mental block and ultimately they are making sure their own base is covered while promoting the dismantling of others. When I talk to these guys at parties they avoid me for about a year and then after about 5 years close to retirement they open up.
It's funny.
It's also really bad for their spiritual progress. Alas they serve God dragging down thy demented and spiritually bankrupt for a Fiat paycheck and a fancy tombstone. Conversely the intellectual drunk doesn't take care of anyone, including himself and he just gets a state funded funeral in the trash heap. This is why the means between extremes is so important.
I'm the intellectual drunk and it's a terrible place to be until one surrenders to the Almighty. Then things get very nice.
California had a large and thriving aerospace and defense industry during World War Two and the Cold War. Since 1992 these industries have left. Not completely but 80 percent or greater.
Today the two major industries are technology and entertainment. Silicon Valley and Hollywood.
I think there are large Navy Bases there like Virginia. When I refer to contractors I'm not just talking about the big dogs. I'm referring to people who work for NAVFAC and similar DOD departments who have budgets in the billions and have a huge periphery of contractors supporting them. They do jobs like training, documentation, retail, facilities management, civil engineering, HVAC and many others.
This employs millions of Americans and they get nervous when politicians discuss shrinking the government fat. The big contractors usually scoop up contacts and then subcontract after the take to smaller businesses and this includes contract workers who are never permanent but also could not do the same job in the civilian world.
It's a mess.
Unlike the douche bag who called me a liar here I have been in and out of these government jobs in boom and bust times since the late 1980s and when government shrinks is time to have your own business. The big problem is that it's easier to get government money than it is to have a business with infinite regulation. Now the Federal Government is requiring all corporations including LLC to disclose ownership when the loopholes exist for defense not to have this!
The real evil needle of this is the States and cities that have to support large facilities by proxy. They have to increase taxes or beg for government money because they don't have easy Fed credit or a money printer. This is why I pose that these places voted for Kamala because in the last 4 years they've had to survive by convoluted practices and they don't want to lose their game. I don't blame them but they are also money stupid.
It's communism at is worst.
I pray that the money gets fixed so that there at least can be better competition.
It takes two seconds to Google defense spending by state to see Texas is #1 and Florida is #4.
Defense makes actual aircraft and shit, it's literally the most reasonable thing for a government to do. Lockheed Martin is worth under $150b as the #1 contractor, which is very little.
Look at UNH after Obamacare. The healthcare industrial complex actually kills people. It kills Americans. And it produces nothing directly or indirectly of value, everyone knows the modern medical industry is mostly fake.
How will bitcoin fix anything if so many bitcoiners insist on acting retarded? Yes, bitcoin fixes things regardless, but you add decades of delays if you can't be smart from day 1 and need to lose a lot of bitcoin. Hopefully you hodl after hyperbitcoinization too. Don't invest.
Pig Pharma is not separate from the Military Industrial Complex. The Largest employer on the planet is the DOD and the peripheral contractors makes another large mass. Combine that with "education" and "healthcare" and it is a mess.
You drive around northern Virginia, Maryland and DC and look at the 4 year old new mansions and tell me where the money came from.
Defense is necessary for a sovereign nation but that doesn't include false flag operations, infinite wars and weapon system standards that force "partners" into conflicts that put their defense in a position depending on supply and dollars.
Your Google search is not research or experience. It's hyperbole decorated by enthusiastic coprophagia.
"Your Google search is not..." lolololol, you just outed yourself as a spiritual leftist authoritarian. Experience? It's obvious you have no experience in any industry and are just dollar-store conspiracy theorist.
Guilty as charged.