It takes two seconds to Google defense spending by state to see Texas is #1 and Florida is #4.
Defense makes actual aircraft and shit, it's literally the most reasonable thing for a government to do. Lockheed Martin is worth under $150b as the #1 contractor, which is very little.
Look at UNH after Obamacare. The healthcare industrial complex actually kills people. It kills Americans. And it produces nothing directly or indirectly of value, everyone knows the modern medical industry is mostly fake.
How will bitcoin fix anything if so many bitcoiners insist on acting retarded? Yes, bitcoin fixes things regardless, but you add decades of delays if you can't be smart from day 1 and need to lose a lot of bitcoin. Hopefully you hodl after hyperbitcoinization too. Don't invest.
Pig Pharma is not separate from the Military Industrial Complex. The Largest employer on the planet is the DOD and the peripheral contractors makes another large mass. Combine that with "education" and "healthcare" and it is a mess.
You drive around northern Virginia, Maryland and DC and look at the 4 year old new mansions and tell me where the money came from.
Defense is necessary for a sovereign nation but that doesn't include false flag operations, infinite wars and weapon system standards that force "partners" into conflicts that put their defense in a position depending on supply and dollars.
Your Google search is not research or experience. It's hyperbole decorated by enthusiastic coprophagia.
"Your Google search is not..." lolololol, you just outed yourself as a spiritual leftist authoritarian. Experience? It's obvious you have no experience in any industry and are just dollar-store conspiracy theorist.
Guilty as charged.