I was hoping to see some dirty talk between the two of them smh
Jack: I'm off the twitter board mid may and then completely out of the company
Elon: So that means you'll have more time for me πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
Just use Stacker News. Twiitter is garbage spamming you every time to sign up or ask for your phone number... super creepy...
Wish something birthed out of it.
Yes, love the comparison with Signal! We need more open protocols!
The EU seems to get the idea (at least in this area): https://www.protocol.com/bulletins/europe-dma-apple-imessage
Signal is not truly open. It's a bit like ethereum/monero.
The Signal Foundation completely controls development and the roadmap. They explicitly don't allow federation and you cannot run your own signal server.
Matrix/mastodon is a much better example of what a truly open communication portocol looks like.