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I've been in plenty of cold glacier water out in the wild, but in the warmth of my own home, I choose hot water.
Yes, I prefer hot water. Since I am not in Japan any more, I cannot get the ol’ fashoned, up to the neck, style of bath. Those were definitely the days!!!!
I recently heard a great expression. "There's such a thing as a hot bath and there's such a thing as a good bath. Most people want a good bath. A hot bath might be a good bath but a good bath is always a good bath."
The context was well outside the scope of this saloon but I'm reminded of something and let's just assume it's a squirrel.
RIP Peanut.
I used to sit in the Japanese bath until I almost fell asleep. Once I did fall asleep in the bath. That was a huge mistake! I almost could not get out of the bath. Japanese baths are nice and hot, up to your neck. You get the all over heat treatment. Yes, this is also squirrelly.
I think Peanut ripped them a good one! A brand new a**hole during the election. Just what they deserved.