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The uninitiated might ask themselves: where does the erratic and confused, sometimes perverse policy of the EU Europeans come from? For what reason does an isolated political elite in Brussels decide to build the biggest subsidy machine mankind has ever seen and destroy its own industrial foundations in the process? What is the Green Deal this artificial GDP really all about? These are questions that can be answered if you know that Europe is the continent with the fewest resources and energy and has always been dependent on cheap imports of these important economic factors throughout its history.
It is precisely the rise of the BRICS energy conglomerate that is exposing the problem. Price-setting power is emerging here, which will cause inflation to explode in Europe the moment it manifests itself geopolitically. Europeans have only managed to bring inflation under control because demand for energy sources is at rock bottom due to global recessionary tendencies and the downturn in China. If this demand recovers, inflation on the old continent will soar to uncontrollable heights. What should Christine Lagarge do then? Use monetary policy to try to eliminate an artificially induced shortage situation on the energy market? I would like to see that!
The catastrophic energy policy of the Europeans serves only one purpose: to keep everone involved with a globally anchored panic narrative of climate apocalypse in order to have a level playing field and get rid of the cheap carbon. Net Zero is the raised moral finger that all those who will now materialize an energy cost advantage over the Europeans will have to face. Hence the massive sanctions regime against Russia and the panic-stricken Ukraine policy, which is only aimed at breaking up Russia and using reparations to prevent its own default. It will be a wild ride until President Trump takes office to hopefully at least slow down the war machine.
Why does the UK energy cost so much? Their wind farms not working?