I do believe TA is a way to get a feel for the market but in my 7 years the market does what it wants when it wants. If we have 2 Dubai billionaires buy 20 billion each TA goes out the window. So don’t listen to all this fud. And usually when I see Fud during a downturn it feels to me that someone knows something and we might see a reversal. For me I’m in a hold pattern and will pick up a couple hundred a week no matter what but if this moves to the mid 30’s the it’s probably going to 30 that’s when I load up. Remember TA can only give you a look at what has happened and what’s happening this second. Not what will happen in 20 minutes as anything can happen. And screw Goldman. They have thrown so much shit in the ring mean while they will be buying our coins from us for millions when they finally wake the hell up