I must confess that I have a tendency to attack shitcoiners. Especially those who try to mix Bitcoin with shitcoins and even more so when they try to deceive the newer ones, because deceiving those who know Bitcoin and still want to be covered in shit is their problem.
Today I was preparing a post where I attacked them for the stupid things they are always publishing on X. But something made me think that doing that would be like wanting them to think like me and I don't see that as very consistent with libertarian thinking, because if I don't want things to be imposed on me I don't have to impose them on others.
Trying to convince a chronic shitcoiner that shitcoins are useless and especially those who make a living by deceiving others, is like throwing pearls before pigs, the only thing they would do is trample those pearls in the mud.
This doesn't mean that if they come to SN to bring their shit, I won't give them what they deserve, this is Bitcoin territory, even if some are entertained by shitty governments. But I am determined not to waste my valuable time on shitty shitcoiners.
I advise you not to waste your time with them either.