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When it comes to protecting your data, there's a multitude of ways you could likely achieve that - though I imagine lava lamps wasn't your first guess.
As hackers create a variety of methods to access your technological devices - including some very creative ways, let's say -people are having to also find ways to protect their internet information.
An encryption key would be a great start, however, it isn't entirely fool-proof as it all hinges on how easy the code is to get hold of if you're not the intended recipient, because if you have the key then the data is no longer encrypted.
Nah, lava lamps are one of the classics. Other classics are like very fine outside thermometers or noise-collecting radio antennas.
The real creative stuff are e.g. hamster cages or deallocated ram cells.
Really all of these things are fine. Once you have one solution, throw a PRF on it and you're good. No need to overthink it for more solutions
Have you tried those?
wdym tried? Yes I probably have used keys which included randomness from lava lamps. You probably have too.
I have just learned about this concept so I surely haven't used it before
You probably have without knowing when visiting a website with https:// server side keygen :)
I wonder if someone could adjust the voltage in the lamps to reduce the randomness?