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I don’t know about your situation vis-a-vis knowledge of communism, however, I have no need, and I think nobody, has a need to “respect or love” cold-blooded communist murderers. Just my personal point of view on this type of creature. I think I fully understand or, I should say as much as I need to understand psychopathic, consciousness, cold-blooded, greedy murderers and their actions. Now, you can tell me how much I should respect, love and forgive them as much as you like. I do not feel the need to be enslaved or murdered by communists or even be near them.
You didn't reply to my question :)
Btw, I'm not defending assassins, of course. All totalitarianism must be condemned. Understanding and love should be used to understand the history and the complexity of every ideological and political movement, and its faults of course, that are often a matter of humans ego in the application of the philosophy. Keep in mind that communism has equality of all humans as foundation, and this is a quite powerful and evolutionary message.
That is why I asked you where your deep hatred comes from, whether from direct experience or something you have assimilated from the outside. It is an interesting exercise to assess how much and how one's beliefs are conditioned. It requires courage.
My opinion comes from both avenues, first hand first and then study. I have to say, you must judge the tree by its fruits. Any other method of judging it is an error. Comparing dreams and possibilities to cold hard reality is also a bad method of comparison. If you want to compare, compare either the foundations of both or the results of both, but don’t do the cross comparison if you want accuracy.