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Austin, Texas was a fun read, but I wasn't entirely pleased with the bugs in the aspect list of the program. Open Source astrology on linux has become a bit of a shit show lately, since a lot of the free programs are now "new" and so haven't been debugged. Therefore, with the aid of wine, I decided to use some older more "bug free" versions that were made for windows by Allen Edwall whose site is here and who has a philosophy concerning astrology and life in general I suppose which I screen-captured for your edification:
It reminds me of the internet I happened to like, so I figured with a chart like Trump's, we should, at the very least, seek to make the internet SUCK less again.
Here is Trump's Natal Chart with the best information I could find for the date of birth and such:
What I like about this format is the Jedi color coding that says "red bad", "green good". It's easy to, at a glance, understand sorta what's happening here.
So what I want to do this time instead of pounding you in the face with 12 houses right off the bat is to pretend like you are a client and you have brought this chart in with questions. Ask me some questions, and we can explore the chart! Of course, if you don't ask me any questions, I'll just start pounding your face in with the 12 houses again. I might have to do that anyway depending on what you ask! Fire away!
Oh nice. This will be fun. Does the fact that everything Is happening on one side mean something?
Indeed it does. That far left side indicates that he will be addressing matters concerning personal will that influence something very visible in public. Being that the highest point is in Gemini, this probably will be about information.
What do you make of the 12th house, I cant really see it very well. I understand it as the house of spirituality or subconscious.
Yes, that's the 12th usually. Pluto is not aspected other than favorably to both chiron and Neptune in Libra. This tends to mean that the subconscious won't have an issue using power on behalf of injustice. Often 12th house has to do with politics, and there is an indication of a spiritual wound here in injustice in specific that power will be applied toward. Being that Pluto is in Leo, it tends to mean the ego is going to use the power well or demonstrate how properly used power should look.
The other story is the Mars there, but it's almost in the 1st and might as well be there. This directly concerns identity and the fight that needs to be fought. There is more to be said here in relation to the fact that the moon was in an eclipse the day Trump was born, so blood is directly related to this narrative, and Mars tends to rule blood. Putting the two together you might get something like "purging the blood of the subconscious" or mass mind.
Interesting! Having Pluto in that house is pretty powerful? Does it cause instability? I know I have had it in my 4th house, and man have I moved a lot in my life.
It is a powerful placement that is well aspected in this case, yes. It does not cause instability on its own, no. You would need something like Uranus to cause that possibly. Now, people can react negatively to Pluto, and that can cause instability for them, but then, that'd be something for them to purge.
Ooo. I’m interested. I would love to see your interpretation on his philosophy and what his aligned career path looks like. I’ve gotten into many discussions about what is important to him, what his goals are in gaining power, etc. and there seems to be a lack of consensus among my friends. Really curious about the whole chart.
What do you mean with the red/bad and green/good lines? (I’m a newbie in understanding astrology)
Glad to hear you can do your work with an open source option, that’s always important to share!
So the interesting thing concerning philosophy is tied to the childhood home there in the fourth house which is Sagittarius. It means that where he goes to nurture himself is a specific kind of faith, but the South node is there, meaning being in your home and shy is something he's leaving behind or going to tend to want to leave behind. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, and so large homes near the water would be possible--or large homes in the desert depending on the philosophy.
The career is in tension with the home, but it is where the soul urge is. The soul urge is in Gemini, which concerns knowledge or possibly the word "harvest" in a public light that is the "knowing" of the faith informing the root. This top part of the chart is yang, typically, and the bottom is yin, typically, and the massive tensions here are probably unpleasant as the public and private lives are going to be pulled in opposite directions. The soul, however, puts one out for people to see, and places with communication or television are usual haunts for a Gemini. Occasionally you see it with colleges in this placement.
The green line to Mars in the first/twelfth house means that the emotions are going to fight on behalf of things that are probably not seen by everyone and usually the 12th house indicates politics and indeed, politically he is known as a fighter.
That Mars aspect makes less great contact to the Taurus in the 10th at the MC, and often times with a lot of Taurus like this in a chart you will see vocal performers. Pavarotti, for instance, had a load of Taurus up in this house. Trump tends to play his music, but in this case the Taurus conservation has kicked in.
It's interesting because that first house contact says the ego isn't really wanting to identify inherently as a conservative. Indeed, an "old school Democrat" might appeal more to the egoistic expression, but it doesn't matter as Taurus comes in and says what must be kept for the sake of the public.
Lots of tension here between the home, philosophy, public, and identity.
Red lines are oppositions and squares, which form tension in a chart. Green are trines and I think sextiles in this one, which are smooth aspects.
That's not really a question.