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Lyn Alden is hot is about making the world a better place. It is redefining women’s beauty standards.
We face a serious question as a society. Do we want our daughters to become only fans models, or do we want them to be into MMA, as well as being Macro Experts?
Lyn Alden embodies extreme self confidence, mastery, all the while being modest with her appearance. Her hair style is ahead of its time, and she rarely wears much make up. Instead she dazzles attentive crowds while listeners form new neural pathways in their brains.
Lyn Alden does not need to compensate with fiat beauty tactics. She is the standard for beauty in a hyperbitcoinized world
Why isn't this on the Stacker front page?
cuz stackers are so gay?!
Can't disagree ;)
If you didn't, it would mean you are gay
this never gets old
I guess we’re at that part of the cycle!