Thanks so much for doing this SN AMA Bolt.Fun, have a couple questions.
What are some tried and true lessons you learned from starting that you could let others in on?
also When do you see Bolt.Fun turning into a real place we can visit?
and thanks again for collabing with ⚡️PlebLab in Austin we love you guys! also thanks for being a personal inspiration to me as well!
Ask for help. It's amazing how much people are willing to help you in this space.
As for a space... In two weeks™? But seriously, it's something I've been thinking about for quite some time but before our own space we'd probably start with something a bit more humble; "BOLT FUN CORNERS" perhaps we can have one setup in the corner of PlebLab 😉
Though for something like this such model would work best since we want to really be involved in the community and make connections within it. We aren't trying to centralise knowledge, or events, we're trying to coordinate the community and create excitement as a collective since we're not printing money like these shitcoins.
ya def would love to talk bolt fun corners 🤘