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Would you want to read it? 🤯
“Lyn Alden lyn@primal.net
Is there anyone who is strongly interested in being an early round beta reader for my sci fi manuscript?
Near-future sci-fi, crime/thriller/cyberpunk. A blend of action and multi-character depth, and moral analysis. The action is key and all, but alpha readers thus far cried at the character aspects; that's what hit them hard enough to care how they would engage with the action.
Strict Requirements for first-stage beta readers:
-I need to know/trust you personally, either in person or very well online with high reputation, to the point that I'd send an unfinished manuscript to you. There's no strict requirements, but if you know, you know.
-You like sci fi and/or fantasy books, and would be happy to read and offer objective (even brutal) feedback on a sci-fi action/crime thriller novel within the next month or two. -You can comment or DM, for privacy sake.
That's a small group, but I'm putting it here on Nostr first for what I consider my pre-beta or readers. I will then expand 10x on Twitter and elsewhere for my full beta readers.
Meanwhile, I'm in the early revision stage. Manuscripts won't be sent out immediately. I'm still doing revisions and working with alpha readers, but I'm at the stage where I can start planning for the next step to see who might be interested to be early beta readers. Nostr folks get the exclusive early notice here.
I do tend to move pretty fast, though.
All pre-beta readers that provide meaningful input would be mentioned in the acknowledgement section, if the book were to be published, which of course I cannot guarantee will happen. I will only publish good books, one way or another.
But like, the alpha readers do like it. ;)”
She is sexy imo..
I'm literally a Sci-Fi author in the same genre. I'd be willing to give it a look.
I would love to read it, but no way to connect me to her. Plus, l dont have a big enough online presence.
But what about on SN??
I dont have that big of a presence on here. I did take the time to send her a message, we will see where that goes.
U better report back!!
Haha does she even use SN that much? It could be buried with all her other personal dms from other leeches.
Too bad I don't know her. I'll buy it when it comes out though.
Hey never hurts to shoot your shot!
I've never even commented on her posts lol. I definitely don't meet the criteria.
Dune with inflation problems?