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Because “vaccines cause autism” or “don’t vaccinate and save children” is exactly what antivaxers don’t say, or do they? I am confused.
You sent me the well produced rant of a pro-left-establishment political comedian. I've listened to hours of RFK on podcasts.
Maybe I'm an idiot, but I think I understand his position on vaccines better than someone who only watched that episode or other content filtered and deprived of full context.
I sent you this video because I was lazy to put this together myself. We both know it is not important here.
A person can also not be 100% correct and yet asking good questions that no one is supposed to ask.
Can you pls be more specific what good questions are not supposed to be asked?
FDA revolving door with the industry it regulates Lack of liability of vaccine makers Massive increase if frequency and number of vaccines after the removal of liability He asked many questions about Fauci and his track record.
I mean the guy went after polluting corporations for years. Have met many progressives that have long followed him for these reasons.
I have said, I don't think he's right about everything he says but the reason he has been attacked is his stance against powerful corporations that basically own the media through ad dollars.
He may be wrong in some of his conclusions but instead of fair reporting on him all I see is smears. It's really telling. They fear him.