What tesla demonstrated with its bot is amazing, the mechanical innovation around its arms and hands were grossly undervalued by the media. It can already walk! The typical waiting-to-be-offended hipster journalist doesen't know what they just witnessed.
Pfft... Walk? So what. The boston dynamics' robot can run, do parkour and frontflips/ backflips from different heights. It can even balance itself and not fall over when pushed..
Everything the tesla robot does/did has been a norm of robotics for decades and is not groundbreaking at all.
You are talking about programming, I'm talking about something completely different.
There wasn't any programming innovation as far as I'm aware. Are you telling me there was a mechanical innovation? What was that exactly?
Big picture, vision, use-cases. Whatever BD is doing is all in software but the mechanics and intended application is not for the average person or the average business.
Tesla has a track record of doing the impossible, that is, bringing dreams to your doorstep. Self-driving cars were always 10 years out like fusion is always 20 years out, until now. BD's robots were not intended to navigate a world of humans, rather to destroy it. Tesla is making a robot intended to do mundane tasks humans do like prune a vineyard and light assembly that's too complicated and low ROI to design a custom machine to do.
Yes, also it's the mechanics. The hands and arms are innovative, not that it hasn't been done before, but that it's being designed for mass production and distribution. Nobody else is doing this, nobody else is willing to try something so potentially dangerous and make it safe. This takes balls and money, and it changes everything.