I really don’t like all-in-one apps. Superficially, no brand/design is strong enough where I want to spend hours in their app every day. I need variety. Fundamentally, tightly coupling a bunch of stuff together, it is just a maintenance disaster and results in poor experience.
I think there was some study done on why this works in Asia but not in the US. It could genuinely be some cultural difference, I’m not sure.
Agreed. That's why I like the fact that Breez is splitting the apps in their wallet into different applications.
Which apps are they splitting into?
They're splitting into a stand-alone lightning wallet, a V4V podcast app like Fountain, and a Point of Sales app at least. They're also utilizing Greenlight to let the users control their keys without having a whole lightning node on their phone. I really like how they're making things much more modular. More info: https://medium.com/breez-technology/get-ready-for-a-fresh-breez-multiple-apps-one-node-optimal-ux-519c4daf2536
Is the v4v podcast standalone app already released?
Not to my knowledge