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Russia, the world's largest supplier of enriched uranium, said on Friday that it had imposed temporary restrictions on the export of enriched uranium to the United States, a symbolic tit-for-tat move after the U.S. banned Russian uranium imports. Russia holds about 44% of the world's uranium enrichment capacity and about 35% of U.S. nuclear fuel imports used to come from Russia, according to the U.S. office of nuclear energy.
this territory is moderated
There are some allied countries that can supply, just not with the same demand. Some countries that dominate the technology: France, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Japan, Argentina, (India and Brazil)*
*These countries may raise doubts due to the BRICS issue
The truth that we are in a 21st century cold war
Good luck with your allies - they are deeper in the dog s**t than ever
So, the G7 countries are allies of Russia?
My allies -- I live in a country linked to BRICS.
Sorry, I meant THEIR not your allies.  
I live in a country linked to BRICS
  Really, which one (of not secret)?
No problem... I'm from Brazil
**This one will hurt! **We gave up reprocessing in the past and do not really have the capacity to do it any more. Where are we going to get our fuel for these new-fangled, SNR that are modular? It looks like we will have to start reprocessing again! BTW, one day we will learn about sanctions! They are a double-edged blade that cuts both ways!
Karma is a bitch 😁 and justice had to be restored
It looks like justice is restored in spades!
Yo who’s got the plug? my old uranium guy won’t serve me anymore