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The reason Tequila shots is taken with lemon and salt is because it tastes like shit otherwise. Whisky on the other hand and gin for that matter, can be enjoyed on its own. That is all. Have a nice day.
do all people think that? for example, i think that both are pretty intolerable for drinking straight. i suspect that it's because i cannot focus on the smell as much as on the overwhelming signal to the tastebuds.
Whisky is certainly an acquired taste. Anything with a significant portion of alcohol is quite literally poison, so it's natural for our bodies to reject it at first.
However, once you acquire the taste for whisky, there are beautiful smells and flavours in there to be appreciated. I will say that it helps to drink decent whisky, not whatever is cheapest. If it's scotch, a good rule of thumb is to get something named after a place, not named after a person.