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20 sats \ 7 replies \ @john_doe 17 Nov 2024 \ on: What is your favorite science fiction movie? movies
Brazil was a very good science fiction movie like big brother in a dystopia but it is a comedy as well. There are even messages like those of the United Nations with the corona virus, "we are all in this together". In the movie it was "Happiness, we are all in this together ". With this kind of messages and other scenes it feels like the movie sometimes is a parody of our everyday lives (and yet it was released in 1985). I highly recommend it.

I have the melody from that movie on my ringtone.
Haha, nice!
I’ve seen it a couple of times. DeNiro, right, he was the mechanic?
Another interesting movie with predictions.
Yes, he was. I could hardly recognize him though with the clothes.
He also played a role that was quite foreign to his usual role. He was actually kind of funny. Almost as good as the fantasy “Stardust”.
Thanks! I will take note of Stardust, I didn't know this movie.
To be honest I don't particularly like Robert de Niro but since people recommended Taxi driver I watched it and didn't particularly enjoy it.
The best movie I watched with him was The Deer Hunter. It is about post-Vietnam war trauma. It was really a good movie, not science fiction though
Yep, saw that one a long while ago. It was good when I watched it but lost its luster as time went by.