ok, following up on yesterday's plan (#771363), I completed my first non-kyc purchase.
I looked into all the services mentioned but ended up going with robosats since they seemed to have a lot of different options and currency pairs with a smaller premium. plus it was very quick to get started.
The only issue I had was it took ages to pay the invoice and the status was stuck on 'attempting lightning payment' for over an hour. I thought the invoice I created would have expired for sure.
I couldn't immediately figure out what to do as the seller was away and the chatbox was inactive, but I eventually realized I could contact the order host on simpleX and they confirmed that the payment was in flight but stuck at a boltz node.
Anyhow, after another 30 minutes, the funds showed up.
All in all, I'm pretty happy with how it went, and will be using this method from now on. It took a while, but I wasn't in a rush.
** experiments with other methods mentioned **
Ok, I like the interface, but there were a few cons
- On-chain-only submarine swaps
- 10-20% premium (I mean, I don't see why I should pay 20% when it's so much cheaper on robosats)
- To add my external wallet I needed to sign a transaction and can’t find how to add a sig in Aqua and didn't want to mess about with other non-custodial wallets today
- I didn’t see a large number of offers for me at smaller price points, like 20 pounds or something. Again, just testing the process
So yeah, the low amount of smaller offers combined with the sky-high high premiums and the difficulty in adding an external wallet just made this a non-starter.
-- vexl --
I thought this was a cool idea, but I have zero network and didn't want to do any kyc , adding my phone number etc
This looks pretty cool, but I don’t use telegram and don’t really want to start, like I have enough apps. Becuase robosats did such a good job at meeting my needs here, I didn't feel the need to go further with this one.
So yeah, I will now be non-kyc only. It has taken me longer than it should, but it was really quite easy in the end.