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NED entered an unusual agreement with their Department of State Grants Officer to label the entirety of their $315 million congressional appropriation for 2024 “sensitive,” allowing them to hide all U.S. taxpayer-funded NED grantee information and activities from the public.
It expect to never be subject to ordinary transparency requirements again, with taxpayers almost completely in the dark about how its $300-million budget – which has been used in the past to advance a global regime of online censorship with blowback against Americans – is spent
If you've listened to much of Mike Benz, the whole point of NED and groups like it is do the work of the CIA but without being subject to the same rules and oversight - so this agreement isn't surprising. Nonetheless, it's cool to see all the wires going into the black box.
The Deep state is emerging from darkness
No, they are being driven into the light!!!
"It expect to never be subject to ordinary transparency requirements again."
Whoa. Theft.
The bastards will never learn! I think there are people that can declassify any document these idiots can classify. I hope they build all of their buildings and archives out of crystal clear glass. We need to see what they are doing with our money!