Cashu clearly demonstrates how overhyped Fedimint is.
Disclaimer: The public demo mint is for educational and research purposes only. Use at your own risk and only with small amounts.

Here's the Tweet that kicked off the Twitter thread:
Cashu v0.2.0 released. ๐ŸŽ‰
Cashu now supports Pay-to-script-hash (P2SH) ecash tokens!
Update via: pip install cashu -U
Use the power of Bitcoin script to mint tokens with complex unlocking criteria. Simple example: Lock tokens for a specific recipient only.

And v0.2.1 of Cashu has also since been released:
Paying and receiving #Bitcoin over Lightning with @CashuBTC - a privacy-preserving Chaumian ecash wallet for your command line interface. It's kinda slick!
Update to 0.2.1 via "pip install cashu -U"

Disclaimer: The public demo mint is for educational and research purposes only. Use at your own risk and only with small amounts.
For more info on CashU, see:
LNTCN L168B - Cashu, chaumian wallet & mint with callebtc #74399