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From Matthew Kratter's Bitcoin University
Video Description
In this video, I discuss the common regrets that many Bitcoiners have about not having stacked enough sats, as well as indicators that we are still very early to this game:
  1. You're still the weirdo at the party if you bring up Bitcoin
  2. Your neighbors don't own any Bitcoin
  3. No one at work owns any Bitcoin
  4. Your financial advisor is still unsure about Bitcoin
  5. Microsoft, Apple, Meta, Google, Amazon still own zero Bitcoin
  6. Bitcoin is still a small macro asset compared to stocks, bonds, real estate, major currencies, etc
  7. The nation-state bid for Bitcoin is just getting started
  8. Bitcoin has no top, because fiat has no bottom
I think that Bitcoin is one of the assets that, when you know it, shows you that it is never too late to buy it and revalue your money. Since I began my journey in Bitcoin, I have seen how it goes up and down in price, but I know that it is a very volatile asset and I must follow my purchase plan that I have.
1.You're still the weirdo at the party if you bring up Bitcoin? Yes
I went through this on Saturday. I went to a celebration at my friend's house and when I tried to talk about Bitcoin I realized right away that it wasn't the best idea due to their reciprocity, so I changed the subject
I doubt it will ever be a good idea to bring it up at normie parties. For now, you'll be treated like a weirdo. Soon, you'll be treated like you're gloating. Eventually, it'll just be as gosh as discussing money is now.
Excellent advice 👍🏻
I stopped doing 1 a long time ago.
That's never been me, but largely because that point is correct (also, I don't go to many parties).
Always too late, never too late!
I think it's never too late, I'm just sorry we hear it more often when FOMO is on. Colleagues at work keep asking me if it's time. I've told them in the past that bitcoin is about buying when you can.
The best time to buy was 15 years ago. The next best time is today.
I don't see it that way. I personally prefer to buy when it's a bear market and spend on bulls when it's hitting all-time highs. For me, this is the time to spend. That doesn't mean you spend for the sake of spending, but if you do, it's now.
You have to buy first, before you can spend. That message is for people who haven't gotten in yet.
Its never to late.
Nocoiners need to keep hearing this. Every sat purchased will seem like a sat earned before too long.
Yeah, but honestly I'm done with nocoiners. I wish them no ill. I'll be here when they are ready to learn but I have no interest in evangelizing them. I've seen enough smirks and heard enough laughs to realize they aren't ready.
To quote a stacker, more for me :)
That's how I feel too. However, there might be people stumbling across this territory who are just getting started on their journey and need these ideas smacked down.
That's different. I was referring to REAL life. Obviously SN / online is different. This is broadcasting.
Its not late as bitcoin community is still growing nowaday.