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I doubt you're giving this prediction to fool team international. Beware @Coinsreporter @Carresan
Well, I think he supports team international so don't blame him.
Just kidding. I know he wants a team America to pick 49ers who are going to lose.
It's not good to open cards too soon. Let the pick 'em post be out then make your picks and don't copy me. Haha.
Haha. Now I have to think about adding this game to the pick 'em to see who everyone picks.
I think you can should also create a different series for team USA vs Team International where each team can only take side of one team.
Clever. I like it.
So When do you plan to start it?
Maybe after football season when this competition is over.
After football season
What shall we predict then for?
Not sure. If you have any suggestions let me know.
It's simple. Let us predict on all matches
The Stackers from both teams can discuss which team they wanna pick. They will only pick one side unanimously.
The team that predicts correctly more matches is the winner.
It'll be fun.
The first step is to create two teams. We need to be clear who's in which team.