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First of all hilarious you think I am an intern I mean look at the body of work I have written about here its clear that I'm not. Uh the DOJ didn't investigate drug allegations only the Ethics Committee was looking into that.
For the 5th time, 99.9% of Ethics cases are dropped once the Member resigns EXCEPT for if they seek higher office like idk a Cabinet-level position or the one guy that got caught on TV talking about having sex with a 16-year-old.
You can hope and dream that I guess Gaetz becomes a special prosecutor however since that is going to go through the DOJ and Gaetz will have to follow rules instead of creating them that not happening. Plus once more HE WANTS TO BE GOVERNOR OF FLORDIA.
Honestly, though the foam from your rapid dog-like love for this guy is well you need to wipe the foam off... that's a little icky!
Why would he resign AND run for higher office then? You keep contradicting yourself.
Personal attacks about his ego don't cut it, and if you don't think GEOTUS would know in advance you're hopeless...
Re-use that a few more times you clueless larp
Sooo first off you dont "run" for AG you are appointed. He was appointed and then resigned. History clearly shows if you do this they look at releasing your report but they do not always do it however those are the cases where they have. He has a God Complex he thought Republicans would confirm him no matter what, he was an idiot... again.
Dear lord you called Trump God Emperor of the United States dude lay off the drugs.
First off Flordia is redder then red so all it means if they released it now would be... well nothing there is no election and he's gone.
He accepted the nomination did he not? If the threat was out there, then why?
If it's criminal confirmations don't matter. Straight to jail.
You really can't cope with the fact that GEOTUS knows more about this than you...
Let's see the report, cut off the Florida campaign before it starts... they can't.