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I just realized I haven't seen this phrase used to encourage me to reply to a post in a while. Has it been retired as a result of the bull market? It is no longer accurate.
Isn't it, though (if you're not anon)? 1 sat is still less than a penny?
Ah yes. I jumped the gun a bit. I was thinking along the lines of posting, not replying.
I think 1 sat is just about 1 penny now, no?
Edit: Oh wait, it's about 0.1 pennies
seems no longer appropriate. but it's still possible to show up. the phrases now:
const placeholder = useMemo(() => {
    return [
      'comment for currency?',
      'fractions of a penny for your thoughts?',
      'put your money where your mouth is?'
    ][parentId % 3]
  }, [parentId])
Yep. I know now. For some reason it just hasn't been popping up much for me.
It's deterministic and independent of who views an item. Everyone sees the same text. The id of the item must have the remainder of 1 when divided by three for "fractions of a penny for your thoughts?" to show up. Example: #737683
Wow. Interesting.
This phrase is amazing. I remember someone in my college used to say it a lot. The Hindi of this phrase is "dimag kaha he," which translates to "where's your mind?," but the literal meaning is this phrase. This is where language learning becomes difficult I guess. Thanks.
Why even reference the penny. Whats a new way to say it with sats?
Generational wealth
The phrase has been slightly altered: Now it is "a penny for your thoughts".
No it hasn't 👀
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
a pennys? :)
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.