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By Jim Fedako
Before anyone gets their hopes up about a reduction in government expenditures, remember that, once rolling, a log rolls in one direction—downhill—until stopped.
I have a perfect example of log rolling that will make you puke. In the small town I lived in there were 2 factions of the population. About 1/3 of the population wanted to make a new clinic/hospital 2/3 didn't want to pay for it. Another 1/3 of the population wanted a new school, 2/3 didn't think we needed it. These were different parts of the population that mostly did not overlap. They decided to log roll by the hospitaliers supporting the schoolers and vise-versa. Still 2/3 of the population did not want these projects built and paid for with tax money!! Both of the measures passed in a referendum and property taxes skyrocketed and everyone was unhappy about that little factoid. Thus, the whole population of the town was robbed to support the doctors and teachers at a very high price that nobody wanted. Yeah, but we got the school and the new clinic/hospital, just as the f*ing log rollers wanted..
That is a really good example of perverse coalition building.
Yeah, and it is also a really good example of log rolling. Yes, the whole population was screwed by these a**holes, royally. Both the clinic/hospital and the school were very sumptuous, very extravagant. We later found out that it was the teachers and the doctors working in cahoots that accomplished this fine feat.