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I feel that stacker is going to grow with Bitcoin adoption. I have at least enough faith to decide to found a territory. But I am not sure exactly why. I just like how it feels here.
I want to hear why this may not be the case. What are the other projects that are looking to do something similar? Will there be nostr clients that will function similarly? What sets stacker apart from these other projects? Why do you use stacker news? Is it going to be for everyone eventually, or just the techie types?
I think it will grow, but we have to be careful to let in the right people. If we get a huge influx of low quality people, it will end up like reddit.
Social platforms like this have a particular culture. The SN culture is hard to describe, but it's deeply embedded.
I think SN can grow much larger and retain its culture if this doesn't happen too fast. The culture will probably improve in a way because given the small pool of active participants here the viewpoints can be a bit narrow sometimes, at least easy to dominate a topic by a few people. More stackers would hopefully strengthen/diversify the dialogue and ideas.
I agree if there was some tipping point that opened the floodgates and the user base 10x'd overnight, it could become a very different place.
I think the strongest part of the culture is the anti shitcoin sentiment, we gotta keep that šŸ˜„
Yes, its important that SN retains its values. Or it could disappear overnight. Stay humble and stack sats.
I do agree with that. That should be for the whole world really. Everyone gets humbled eventually.
Won't the incentives work this out naturally. What is it we need to do to keep certain people out?
Incentives have a way of bringing the wrong type of people. Can you imagine what it would be like if a certain population of people come to SN and monopolize the space?
I don't know. If they aren't bringing value, they won't get sats to be here, right? I would love to see a huge inflow of users. I can't really see the issue. What do you mean by monopolize the space? What is the solution to preventing this in your view?
Just imagine this. A certain type of person, and there are 100s or 1000s of them. All they do is circle jerk each other.
I'm not a fan of circle jerks. I want to stacker be as diverse as possible.
Im worried that is what will happen. A big enough group could come in and do that, since SN is so small.
I feel it is maybe more of an echo chamber now than it will be later. Either way, I trust it will work itself out. We have zaps and downzaps. I suppose we will see.
That's true! some people from Reddit can really destroy SN because they have the attitude of 'I am always right!', 'I don't give a shit', etc. They'll probably create shitcoin territories too lol
Iā€™m just glad Bitcoiners have a community to share information that matters to them. Couldnā€™t imagine having to rely on facebook, twitter, ticktok, reddit for bitcoin information. All the best stuff finds its way to the top here.
For sure. That's how I feel about Bitcoin and nostr also. I feel so much more hope for the future thanks to All this great freedom tech.
You can find many of your answers here as well. #276577
What sets stacker apart from these other projects?
  • The V4V model and incentives for everyone.
Why do you use stacker news?
  • All the discussions here are genuine and keep me interested and engaged. However genuine and serious, SN doesn't lack fun and entertainment.
Is it going to be for everyone eventually, or just the techie types?
  • It's for everyone or so far it seems so. I suppose @k00b has a lot to say in this respect but I believe him for he won't either like SN to be a platform merely for techies (real devs). I think a platform like SN should not be limited to any sort of rigidity.
stacker news is the current think tank.
i feel like it's a pretty accurate reflection of our meetup discussions: much talk about the fiat price and politics as it affects bitcoin, one corner talk about shitcoining, and another corner talks about sovereignty tools.
the projects outside stacker news ate meetings in real life (away from keyboard) and p2p messaging.
The minimalistic design of SN makes you think that it is always fresh. That you have something to look forward to. That is what I feel everyday since I joined SN.
I love the feel and aesthetic of stacker news. I live in the actual wild west.
No likes, ZAP ONLY!
I don't know other social aggregator that works great with crypto as SN. I still believe SN will be niche for Bitcoiners as it is HN or Lobsters for tech enthusiasts.
"crypto" . That word is so 2018
The world is not only Bitcoin
Yeah... There's a lot of things in the world. Most of it is scammy
Let me see Blackrock stack.
Who's that and why do I care?
Pay to play helps with SN
Definitely. I think it is a key for sure
I will describe my meager experience at SN. When I arrived and started looking at the titles of the posts, I quickly realized that it is a place that I don't have in my social environment, due to the type of ideas debated and this made me identify greatly. I believe SN is open to everyone, but not everyone is ready for SN.
I agree. I like the way it is growing slowly. Very special people here.
I use SN because itā€™s tied to Bitcoinā€™s future this is the biggest factor that sets it apart from others, who literally see BTC as an investment to promote fiat. Iā€™m here because SN feels very genuineā€”it feels like a hub where Bitcoiners can share a lot of valuable information with each other, something that is lacking on nearly all other platforms. The key is not just growth but staying true to the mission that got you here. I think even if something better or similar to SN appears, we, the community, will never leave itā€”but Iā€™m not so sure about the shitcoiners lol
I agree. I am very grateful for this platform. That's okay. They can have the shitcoiners.