pull down to refresh

I did watch it for a little while when you first started. It kept doing something weird, reloading every 5 to 10 seconds. So I clicked off.
Was I playing? If not, I probably was switching tabs and I think it only can stream the video of the game when it's in the foreground. But it was also recorded, so you can also watch a little now. 👀
The first 31 minutes consist of boring gameplay with bots, so I recommend skipping them.
haha, I see. It was in the very beginning, I just remember things switching back and forth. I was planning on coming back, but I ended up falling asleep. Do you play any other games? Like diablo?
I haven't installed Windows on another partition yet, so I can currently only play games on Linux. I am surprised that Insurgency works quite well on Linux (if the servers allow it).
But I am planning to play some games on Windows again soon. I used to play Rising Storm 2, Squad, Apex Legends, Rocket League, Age of Empires II and IV, Starcraft II but also some indie games like Crypt of the Necrodancer or Darkest Dungeon.
I am also very interested in DCS but it has a quite steep learning curve and I am not sure I want to put that much time (and money) into a game.
Any games in this list you would be interested in watching? Or any other games not on this list?
I heard good stuff about the Diablo series but I never really got into MMORPGs because of all the grind so not sure I'll ever play it. I am more into shooters and strategy.
I totally forgot my favorite game of all times, lol: Titanfall II
It would be fun to see a lot of the vintage games. From MSdos and stuff. Maybe emulators? Not sure if you can stream that kind of stuff?
I think the oldest game I have is Crash Bandicoot I-III on an emulator somewhere I believe.
But I think with vintage you mean like really old games you would play in an arcade?
Thanks for the sats @OneOneSeven 🫡
If anybody wants to watch some Insurgency multiplayer gameplay, it starts at 31:00.
🫡 Stream quality was great!