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Other than Cricket, soccer is the game that runs throughout the year. You can make a prediction pool for that.
We will definitely run a year long pool of international stackers vs US stackers starting in January. What sports do you think should be included?
If you are going to run it, you may include the ones we are already doing (basketball, cricket, soccer, football). An interesting option might be tennis, there are masters 1000 and the big four running pretty much all year round and it can be played as survivor pool choosing players each round till the final.
That's interesting. Do you think it should be something that only focuses on major events in these sports or is more like a fantasy league with one matchup each week?
Apologies for the delay answering, had to take care of fiat job for a while. I will brainstorm some ideas:
  1. You may have a team competition (US vs World) and then individual (such as Stacker of the year, overall winner in all sports )
  2. If you look to different sports, they distribute around the year (soccer August to June, NBA from November to May?, NFL August to January, Cricket all year round, Tennis almost all year round, F1 from March to November). So depending on the running month, we could choose a sport to make picks or provide results.
  3. For instance in January, there are some relevant events: NFL play offs and Super Bowl, Australian Open for tennis, last week of phase group of Champions League, and so on. So we have different sports and stackers providing results or picks and obtaining points towards the monthly or yearly tables. We can plan in advance what events we will concentrate (one or two per week). This can be run independently of our existing pools.
I think it'd be better if he adopts the same strategy as Cricket Pool does. Only thing that can be different is a multiple sports wild ass guessing every round.
You can include any game if it's prediction based. But we need to confirm the team membership by asking Stackers to which side they wanna be. I can see some of team international Stackers would want to join team America.
Why would the international stackers want to join team America? Don't they want to beat the big bad Yanks?
I know a few traitors already. So, it'd be better if we sort them before.