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A NOSTR Friend posted this:
The deeper you go, higher you get.

It made me zap and think:
Hence the sinister plot on diverting your attention daily preventing deeper investigation. This is the checkered floor of the Freemason's Lodge. Just black and white hopping around mindlessly from what is right to what is wrong and thinking that in order to get to this white square I must go through this black square.
Definitely a sinister, aka left handed, plot against you to keep you retarded. While telling you it's not nice to say, "retarded".
Traditionally the left hand is used to clean your butt while the right hand is used to give and receive good things.
Obviously if you only have one hand you are not part of the decision making matrix of culture. You do the best that you can. But you don't give up on culture. You learn to be a coach and you set up protocol for yourself that is even more stringent.
The sinister controllers will always want you to dumb down and handicap to the lowest common denominator. This ensures degeneration of all healthy and positive culture.
Diving deep is very healthy if guidance is obtained by the ones who have successfully navigated before you. These are few and far between and there are plenty of hucksters who have set up shop at the base of the New Age mountain ready to carry you to the darkest regions of discord.

If you doing something insightful please zap some sats to the authors.
do u think that the phrase "the way to the light is thru the darkness" is righteous, or is that a way to describe the futile endless hops on the checkerboard floor?
using the checkerboard analogy, does one absolutely have to go thru the dark square to get to the white square, or is it possible to go diagonally (Diagon-Alley) thru than narrow point connecting the two white squares, the "narrow gate" mentioned in the scripture?
the spiral is indeed a way to explain the moment-to-moment reality, because it's neither exclusively linear nor cyclical, but both. if one adds one more dimension, it's like a torus - not a donut shaped torus, but rather a spiraling torus. everything is a fractal.
Good thoughts. The pillars of the Freemason Lodge are also black and white.
Now very deep is the Bhagavad Gita where the main characters are Krishna and Arjuna. Literally Arjuna means, "White" and Krishna means "Black".
Krishna in the Bhagavad-Gita is actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead and he is black because he is all attractive, opulent and very deep!
Arjuna is white but he's confused in the beginning as he is unsure that fighting is the correct path even though he's a fierce warrior and has great skill already proven on the battlefield.
Krishna, the black guy (And God, ¡número uno!), tells Arjuna in the Second verse of Chapter 2 that he's not behaving like an Ayrian by neglecting his duty to fight.
As the text follows:
sri-bhagavan uvaca (Krishna Speaks)
kutas tva kasmalam idam visame samupasthitam anarya-justam asvargyam akirti-karam arjuna
sri bhagavan uvaca—the Supreme Personality of Godhead said; kutah—wherefrom; tva—unto you; kasmalam—dirtiness; idam—this lamentation; visame—this hour of crisis; samupasthitam—arrived; anarya—persons who do not know the value of life; justam—practiced by; asvargyam—that which does not lead to higher planets; akirti—infamy; karam—the cause of; arjuna—O Arjuna.
The Supreme Person [Bhagavan] said: My dear Arjuna, how have these impurities come upon you? They are not at all befitting a man who knows the progressive values of life. They do not lead to higher planets, but to infamy.
The Sanskrit term *anarya means not arya or not civilized or noble. As in anarchist is not an archist being apposed to government. Or anachronism is against time or our of time. The prefix "a" means not!
So the sacred conversation between God as a "black guy" -- Krishna and Arjuna the "white guy" has a deeper meaning as well. Ultimately the light comes from the darkness as the light is Krishna's creation by love and it is not possible without him.
This world is Krishna's playground and we are all invited by parts and parcels of him to participate freely. He's the dark energy of the Universe and transcendental was beyond the Universe.
The white and black squares are mere distractions.
very cool, especially the idea of arya/anarya!
the origin of the word "black" is complex:
one interpretation is absence of light, but the other goes as follows:
[The same root produced Middle English blake "pale," from Old English blac "bright, shining, glittering, pale;" the connecting notions being, perhaps, "fire" (bright) and "burned" (dark), or perhaps "absence of color." According to OED, in Middle English "it is often doubtful whether blac, blak, blake, means 'black, dark,' or 'pale, colourless, wan, livid' "; and the surname Blake can mean either "one of pale complexion" or "one of dark complexion."] https://www.etymonline.com/word/black
sounds like "black" is something that becomes so after it is set ablaze.
this makes me think of supernovas, or the legendary music artists that were shining so bright that they burned out quickly, or Icarus who flew too close to the sun 🌞😎.
Definitely. Our language is full of magical knowledge.
"Handicap to the LCD" is a concise way of putting it. I'll be using that in the future.
You are welcome!
Traditionally the left hand is used to clean your butt while the right hand is used to give and receive good things.
Arguments like these make me lose trust that anything that follows is written in good faith.
Then that is your mistake:
The biggest minefield of potential faux pas has to do with eating. This is usually done with the fingers, and requires practice to get absolutely right. Rule one is: eat with your right hand only. In India, as right across Asia, the left hand is for wiping your bottom, cleaning your feet and other unsavoury functions (you also put on and take off your shoes with your left hand), while the right hand is for eating, shaking hands and so on.
  1. Don't Eat Food or Pass Objects With Your Left Hand
The left hand is considered to be unclean in India, as it's used to perform matters associated with going to the bathroom. Therefore, you should avoid your left hand coming into contact with food or any objects that you pass to people.
Everyone normally uses their right hand to serve themselves, scooping with the fingers or with a serving spoon.
Avoid using your left hand if you are encouraged to eat with your hands. The left hand is considered ‘unclean' since it is the hand people generally use for washing themselves.
Traditionally speaking, most Indians don't eat with their left hands. You see, in many parts of India, people still eat traditional dishes with their hands instead of cutlery (via Travel + Leisure). The basic rule is this: the right hand is meant to be used when you're eating, while your left hand should be reserved for other activities. Breaking this rule will definitely attract the wrong kind of attention from those around you.
It is also crucial to only use your right hand to touch food or drink, pass dishes, and greet others. To preserve cleanliness, the left hand is historically reserved for activities like going to the bathroom. More specifically, you should eat using only the thumb, index finger, and middle finger, and should only lick your fingers once you are done eating. Strict adherence to this custom varies, but in general, avoiding using the left hand while eating is very important.

So there is no argument here.
Is there any other point you wish to shine your erudition upon?
You missed my point. You're arguing in bad faith by taking 'left' and 'right' from one context (eating) and applying them to another (politics), which makes no sense.
I understand where you are coming from but let us dig deeper into the language itself. Sinister in Latin means, "left hand". Also in French the word for left hand is guache which is "vulgar".


adjective sin·​is·​ter ˈsi-nə-stər archaic sə-ˈni- Synonyms of sinister 1 : singularly evil or productive of evil 2 : accompanied by or leading to disaster 3 : presaging ill fortune or trouble 4a : of, relating to, or situated to the left or on the left side of something especially : being or relating to the side of a heraldic shield at the left of the person bearing it b: of ill omen by reason of being on the left 5 archaic : unfavorable, unlucky 6 archaic : fraudulent sinisterly adverb sinisterness noun
adjective ˈgōsh sometimes gaucher; sometimes gauchest Synonyms of gauche 1a: lacking social experience or grace also : not tactful : crude it would be gauche to mention the subject b: crudely made or done a gauche turn of phrase 2: not planar gauche conformation of molecules gauchely adverb gaucheness noun
You can show the horse where the water is but you can't make him drink.
Please forgive me for not being clear regarding the etymology of words and the cultural distinction of left. Not only is the horse that you are beating thirsty but it is also dead.