note #1: i was going to type a comment to a post (#790718), but it turned into a summary of a 4.5-hour presentation from 2016, so here ya go.
note #2 : Mark Passio is difficult to listen to for many because of his combative style and very meticulous dissection of the topics (long presentations).
there is a dark occult program at play.
control the women and the men will follow. ridicule and blame the men in women's eyes, and the men will surely bend the knee (conform to the new program).
both genders of the population become weakened by being pitted against each other - Hegelian dialectic. one side buys into the narrative, and the other side follows, sometimes reacting violently. freedom dies.
- Part 1:
some great points from the presentation:
human breeding is controlled by influencing consciousness - the dark epieugenics.

the princess programming starts at a very young age to desire attachment and security over the authentic familial bond. every single woman will ask "what do you do for a living?" on the first date, with hypergamy (marrying toward higher status in society) being the ultimate objective. the man's moral standards are typically secondary on her list of preferences.
80% of the divorces are initiated by women, and divorce courts rule in favor of the woman 95% of the time.
women's perceptions of mates have been systematically skewed over the generations, with the following unnatural result (socially engineered, Darwinian-type preferences):
slut-shaming and hyper-sexualization is prevalent in our society.
sex sells. sex is money. sex is control.

testosterone levels are dropping in both genders thru microplastics and other toxic substances that are:
- inhaled
- ingested
- injected
- absorbed (thru skin and radiation)
i am very upset with the population control and the inauthentic woman programming.
this is not exposed properly, and mainly talked about by blaming the other side.
however, the truth is destructive to the lies; truth always wins in the end.
part two will be about solutions.