Just thinking out loud, to make it easier to onboard new friends/members would there be a way for users to invite (email) others to the site with a sats donation to get them started?
Some things I like about reddit enhancement suite:
  • There's a preview button that shows me the main text of the first post (more useful for posts that are images)
  • Infinite scroll when you get to the bottom of the page.
Another thing to potentially explore is "lounge" like forum/functionality for discussing off-bitcoin topics with bitcoiners. Or maybe similar to some reddit communities that have daily/weekly threads on stuff that is off topic, or peripherally related stuff like TA discussion, stand-ups, intros etc. Although this might not need to be a software feature more than community driven threads similar to indiehackers or many popular FB groups.
also is there a way to signal on a thread if there has been any new comments since your last view? Perhaps a "last comment by ____" so I don't have to guess if someone's replied to the thread or perhaps less intrusive a little flag that notifies you of this.
Looking at hackernews they don't have this though so I don't know if that would overly clutter the UI. Maybe once you get to that level of traffic there's always a new comment...
Yeah I think you nailed it on why HN doesn't have it but if it provides value even just in the interim it'd be worth doing.
This is a good idea. I definitely want to maximize sat transfers happening on the site. It's the main differentiator, along with any other bitcoin native features we can dream up, after all.
obviously a wish feature but would be neat to see a growing graph of sats transfers over time...
Ah yeah a sat history would be cool