Yo NVK thanks for doing this SN ama?
Got a couple questions I hope you can answer?
First one is related to bitcoin hardware.
What really is the distinguishing factor between all the bitcoin hardware wallets out there, besides great branding and marketing?
Second question is related to bitcoin businesses.
With over a decade of running and starting a bitcoin company, what has been the best advice someone has given you to navigate the space?
asking this now I realize I might have answered my first question 🫠
1056 sats \ 1 reply \ @nvk OP 9 Oct 2022
  1. COLDCARD was a totally new idea, using Secure Elements AND being Open Source. Then there is a ton of inventions and new features, like splitting the PIN for anti phishing, adding transaction checks, air gap signing, PSBT push, BIP85 implementation, Trick PINs, paper wallet generation, Address explorer, proper multisig support and air gap multisig wallet creation, encrypted backup, number pad, clear case and proper supply chain security bags, and lots more https://coldcard.com/docs/compare-wallets
  2. I don't think was advice, but a few realizations; mange your cash right on bear markets, don't ask permission but do make industry friends outside twitter, ship often, experiment as we are still very early.
ya def looking forward to getting some more coldcard wallets in pleblab, also making industry friends outside twitter have also heard before, great answers!