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Hey, @kruw,
In relation to your CoinJoin coordinator, how do we know that you’re not doxxing every participant?
How can we verify that you’re an honest actor?
Clients don't offer any data to coordinators, so there's nothing for a dishonest coordinator to dox them with. You can verify this yourself since all the code is open source :)
Don’t you have to know which addresses to send the CJ’d utxos to?
Not exactly sure what you mean. Each coinjoin output is registered with a unique Tor identity, and the coordinator doesn't learn which inputs are associated with its creation thanks to zero knowledge proofs and other crypto magic. There's a (convoluted) metaphorical explainer for the protocol here: https://github.com/WalletWasabi/WabiSabi/blob/master/explainer.md
Thanks, man.