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Yep! AP World, AP American, AP Gov, AP Ethics, and I briefly did AP Art History but honestly that was just… it was a no lol!
I LOVE history I mean if I could have made a living studying ancient Mesoamerica I would have! When I started pivoting down the gov pass I'm on now I realized I needed to learn about other places.
From learning about recent history in India and its dynamics with its neighbors to how Taiwan is only recently a democracy and how last week I was learning about how Singapore came to be! I love learning which is why my government job is perfect!
I look forward to reading more of your History posts. Your stream of consciousness makes it a delight to read
I tend to mix in history with my political posts just because well like this one deals with the political history of a country so fyi!
You should do some Mesoamerica posts. That's always been one of my areas of fascination, too.
The culture is just so rich and we are learning so much about it right now! LiDAR has really sped up the discovery of lost cities!