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🚀 Help us save Satoshi!

The world’s only free and open source game to learn about bitcoin tech.
Code your way through the mysteries of bitcoin with this interactive story. And learn the fundamentals of bitcoin tech while you’re at it.

Bitcoin tech can be hard to learn.

Yes, there are many incredible resources. Our goal is to complement them and add our drop of interactivity to the ocean of learning.
Try Saving Satoshi today! https://savingsatoshi.com/

What will you learn?

  • How to find and decode the hidden message in the genesis block
  • Elliptic curve cryptography
  • Message signing and verification
  • Building a transaction
  • Building a block template
  • Bitcoin Script
  • How the Lightning network works
And so, so much more!

Saving Satoshi started as a hackathon idea:

How can we make bitcoin tech education more engaging and fun? Since then it’s become a game with 10 fun chapters, and support for Python and JavaScript
Worldwide groups like @tabconf and @scalarschool playing together
Shoutout to the team that helped bring this over the finish line
Vision: @adamcjonas Dev: @BenAllenG, @TuedonTuoyo, @MatthewZipkin Story: @Spiralbtc, @MatthewZipkin Design: @GBKS
Janitorial Support: @satsie, @aassoiants

Give Saving Satoshi a go today.

And let us know what you think. Now be quick, Satoshi needs you!
Do you think a background in coding is necessary?
Chapters 1 - 3 can be mostly done without a coding background, but the game does ramp up once you get to chapter 4. One feature we'd like to introduce is difficulty levels so the game is accessible to a larger group of people.
If you haven't already, I invited you to give chapter 1 a try. You should be able to complete it within 30 minutes, no background in coding required. Let us know what you think!