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Where do the downzap sats go if we have no rewards pool? I have experienced it more than once, where an individual with deep pockets and a good trust score is able to make my post less visible. It doesn't happen often because I am never looking to offend someone. But sometimes it does happen.. I am cool with it because it goes to the rewards pool, right? And that is for the greater good of stacker news. I can live with that and I think having downzaps is a great way for us to let the community self moderate. What happens with those sats if there is no rewards pool?
I don't know but my posts keep very low under 'top' even after they have been zapped relatively much more.
I'm sure it's not because of downzapping but because top value Stackers don't zap my posts. (I'm only talking about Cricket posts and the Daily Zap).
There are some users here that have openly proclaimed that they spend many sats downzapping to make sure certain things get hushed. I know I have experienced this. And if someone has a personal vendetta.... It kind of sucks but what can we do? I think it will all work out. Keep sharing.
I really don't care about downzapping and I've never done it. I'll also not do it unless there's some scammer in the comments.
Yeah. I use it VERY sparingly. But there are people who take things personally and are able and willing to misuse the feature in my opinion. But overtime, that backfires. Because if you make something that 99% of people like and there is one big downzap, it hurts their trust.
In my case, it'll only backfire if someone DZ my Cricket post. Haha. Have you seen engagement there? Almost always 40 50 comments on each post. They don't go there and call me names. They call me everywhere else.
I don't think we should even give DC so much attention. I know why he always creates controversy out of nothing. There are two reasons. One that he wants to remain relevant and dominant here. Second, these Iong threads only get him up the ranks and he knows his NPCs and sockpuppet accounts will get something to praise him for his nonsense.
Ignore him.
I agree. I am still learning to handle my own ego and emotional impulses. That is awesome that you found something that works great for you. Congrats.. I appreciate your presence here. I think you were involved the best first time I pushed the DC button. Good times.